Frigging fiction for F’s sake (Warning**Rant)

I’m ticked off.


Fiction is fiction right? So why must people take it and pick it apart acting like every author has some kind of secret vendetta of political, religious or other damned agenda when they write a book. A situation has arisen with my very good friend Carmen Stefanescu, author of Shadows of the Past.


Apparently a few people have become offended and accused her of trying to force a religious message through her work. First of all, this is a beautiful book. Well written, thoughtful and one of my favourites of the year. There is a discussion thread going on about this topic over at good reads right now, which you can find here. Even if you have not read the book, you can still comment with your opinion on fiction books. Here is the link:


So yeah. I’m pissed. Authors work very hard over their books. Writing them, editing them, pouring their hearts and souls into them. What do you guys all think? Is it fair to accuse an author of something like this when the book they wrote was fiction? Dear heaven, if this is the case then the author of Fifty Shades must really be something.


Carmen I love you dearly and support you always.


F*ck it.