July 31st Blog Blitz

Help out my buddy. Really I am the only one who calls him a huge wanker. He is really a pretty nice guy and his work is a lot of fun to read so we should spread the word. Anyone know how much farther I can go with typing before it tells me I can’t have anymore space since this is just a reblog comment?
Hey…I’m still going. Guess there isn’t a limit after all.
Also, vote for Charles here http://becausewerepoets.wordpress.com/2013/07/15/championship-for-the-ages-round-3/
He really is talented and I feel guilty for calling him a wanker.

Legends of Windemere

So, I was thinking of a big on-line effort on the morning of July 31st when Prodigy of Rainbow Tower debuts.  This would involve many bloggers posting the cover art, description, Amazon site, Goodreads site, and the site for Beginning of a Hero.  I would e-mail all the necessary information to anyone that wants to participate.

I’m waiting on the cover art with title and author name, so it won’t be immediately.  Anybody want in on this?

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