Mirror Interviews: Authors Wanted

So, I’ve been thinking about doing a Wednesday feature here on Readful again as I haven’t done one in a while. Usually the Wednesday feature is a guest blog, and I’d like to keep that tradition running…sort of.

See, there’s two things. First thing: I was talking to an author the other day who pointed out that all author interviews seem to ask the same questions over and over. Not a lot of people pay attention to them, and it gets rather monotonous answering the same boring things all the time.

second thing: I’m lazy.

So, here is my solution:

I am looking for a handful of authors who want to do a blog interview. The catch is, I’m looking for a handful of authors who want to interview–themselves. Yep. I won’t send you any boring, already answered questions. I won’t ask you boxers or briefs or who would play your lead character in the movie. Please limit your questions to however many you feel like answering:)

You interview you. Ask yourself the questions you want to answer. Tell your audience what you want them to know. I’m not going to limit this to an exact science, so if you want to have a bit of fun with it–go ahead. If you’d like to be featured, email me at the address listed on my contact page and let me know. If I get enough authors, this may become a permanent feature of the blog.

Come on authors, you know you talk to yourselves anyway.