How do you want it?

Here is your opportunity to tell me what to do. Come on, you know you want to.

imagesย Tell me what you want, and I will give it to you…

within reason…

Did that sound sexy? I put out my pouty lip and tried for the head flip, but I banged my head on the cabinet behind me and almost knocked myself out. So much for sexy. On to the point in this post. I don’t want to bore you with posts you don’t want to see in your readers or email so….


Readful Things is and has always very much been a participant related blog. Obviously one of the main focuses of this blog is book reviews and that will not change, but I also want to give the audience a chance to speak and tell me what you want to see more of.

Wednesdays are filled by the Mirror Interviews, so that day is good. The book reviews will remain, but what else would you like to see? Here are some options:

More author interviews with both traditional and indie authors

giveaways for free merchandise and books

personal posts (we know I don’t actually ever really post much that is personal, but humour me.)

Poetry related posts

writing and topics on the craft posts

guest blogs from industry professionals

travel and photo posts

book discussions

random humour

video links for upcoming films

opinion pieces (from me and others)

me dancing naked in bunny slippers (Wait..don’t run away, I just wanted to make sure that you were paying attention.)

I meant panda slippers

Anything else you think might be interesting for this blog and relate to books, writing, screenplays, promo of authors, etc. please feel free to mention. I may not use all suggestions but I am always happy to consider.

Also, tomorrow will be a really interesting post from a non reader—sounds weird, I know, about what would make him buy a book. I figure if we can figure out how to make a non reader read then there is hope for sales from the masses of others out there who do.

Opinions please.