Mirror Interview: Joe Gergen

Question: So Joe, why should I read your books and other writings?

Joe: Because I’m funny.

Question: Why do you think you’re so funny?

Joe: If I don’t think I’m funny, who will? And besides, what do I have to lose.

Question: What’s one thing you could do without in writing?

Joe: Adjectives. Adjectives are for the weak.

Question: That’s a bit brutal.

Joe: I know. I know. I said it mostly for effect. What I mean is I have little need for adjectives and could survive writing without them. I’m not sure if that’s true but I’d like to give it a shot one day. My sometimes fluid grasp of grammar might get in the way though.

Question: What’s your biggest writing challenge?

Joe: Trying to be both serious and funny. And then be taken seriously for that. But I’m so irreverent I keep undermining myself. I’m sure that’s some sort of literary device.

Question: Well, are you trying to be funny or trying to be serious?

Joe: Yes. Seriously funny and funnily serious. Whichever one gets the point across. The goal is to convey ideas. By putting serious ideas in a funny context the hope is to shed a different light on the subject.

Question: Your book “Methane Wars” is about collecting methane from cows and a string of events that come from that. Are we supposed to take that seriously?

Joe: Yes. The narrative is funny. The ideas are less funny.

Question: It’s also a bit political. Which side do you fall on?

Joe: I try to mock all sides equally, though I am sure there is a slant in there somewhere. The goal is more to point out the absurdities of certain aspects of different ideologies. The behaviors on the extremes are good fodder for humor.

Question: What tells you that you achieved your goals in “Methane Wars?”

Joe: When people tell me that it is too subtle and someone might not know it’s not real. I guess it’s good satire when people have to be told it’s satire. Like when people post articles from The Onion or other satire sights because they thought they were real.

Question: What if I don’t read your book? Will that make you feel sad?

Joe: No. But I could add you to the list of 8 billion other people haven’t read it as well if that would make you feel better?

Question: I’m sure it would.


You can find the book here:

“Methane Wars: A Fable”



and Joe’s Website (I strongly recommend you check it out)



Thank you, Joe, for guesting today! I loved the interview, it was so much fun 🙂