The Indie author help page questions

For anyone who would like to answer these questions, feel free to copy them and send your responses to

For anyone who missed it the other day, Charles Yallowitz and I are starting a help page on both of our sites for indie authors who are new to the publishing arena. Nothing too complex, just asking authors the same set of questions and hoping to get answers from those who write across a broad array of genres. The answers will be posted to the blog once a week and then links to those posts will be put on a page where authors can go and refer back to them. We will also be listing sites that have useful info for authors about marketing and promotion both free and paid.

So if you’d like to take a moment and answer the questions, it would be much appreciated. Only thing we ask is that you are an indie or crossover author, not exclusively traditionally published. Please include the links to your work or website with your answers so we can help promote you!

Thank you for your help!

Questions for authors

1. How did you decide to become an indie author?

2. What genre do you write in and why?

3. What social media sites do you use and can you offer a tip for each one?

4. How important is blogging to an indie author in your estimation?

5. How do you go about getting reviews?

6. What do you price your books at and do you give away free copies?

7. Do you use a cover artist or make the cover yourself?

8. What do you do about editing?

9. What do you do when sales are slow to encourage more books to be sold?

10. What do you know now, that you wish you had known before?

11. Do you use a mailing list or newsletter to promote?

12. Any further advice, tips or tricks you think would help others?

13. Where do you sell the largest majority of your books and do you do just ebooks or print as well?